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power meter

Exporting Data from Golden Cheetah

Sharing Golden Cheetah Files – Part 1 Golden Cheetah offers a number of ways to export your power files. From Strava and TrainingPeaks to Dropbox and Cycling Analytics, you can readily share your processed power files with ease. Admittedly, I often run into issues connecting to those services consistently. The most reliable fallback is to… Read More »Exporting Data from Golden Cheetah

Customizing Metrics in GoldenCheetah

Which Metrics Go Where?  GoldenCheetah allows you to customize various metrics (aka data fields) to be displayed or hidden. Depending on training objectives and equipment types (power meter, cadence/speed sensors), you may wish to customize the data field visibility. It is not apparent to many where this data is shown. This quick tutorial, based on… Read More »Customizing Metrics in GoldenCheetah